Gads what a week. Fallout from the server move is still ongoing, and I have more tasks to get to still, but it's a slow crawl and I've had a lot of other stuff on my plate. Half of this week got completely gobbled up with family obligations due to last-minute errands involving a lot of construction traffic. Really the traffic was the worst of it. So I've been in a homicidal mood most of the week.

But one of the big things I was able to work out was getting things somewhat working with the newly converted Git repository for the main BYOND project. I think this puts me in a good position to handle the other repos that were converted, and at some point that means I should be able to update the build scripts in Linux to properly pull from the repo when building. That was probably never gonna happen this week anyway, but boy the interruptions didn't help.

I was getting back to working on the small 516 screen_loc feature I mentioned last week, but I haven't been able to finish that yet. Seriously, everything's been a wreck this week. It'll get done. I'll get 516 out soon too. I just have so much crap to wade through to get there, but it is coming.

And none of it at all would be possible without the BYOND Members and regular supporters, so thank you to each and every one of you.

I bought more chocolate-coated donuts and cider. It was a mental health necessity after Tuesday Tuesdayed hard. I'm clawing my way back to sanity, but while I do, mak gam.
Take care of yourself Lummox. Eat nourishing food, plenty of water, and rest. hang in there, and the busy family obligation will come to an end and you'll have more time to efficiently work on BYOND. Keep up the good work.

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