Been using Dream Maker for about half an hour and am already comfortable with the controls. They're incredibly user friendly. However, while modifying a SS13 map, I came across a problem. Every tile has the area name displayed on top of it and I have no idea how to toggle this off. It makes it very tedious to work like this. Is there anything I can do to fix my problem?
Two methods:
1) Set mouse_opacity to 0 so the mouse ignores the /area all the time
2) Upon creation, set the name to null
mouse_opacity = 0 // Method 1
New() // Method 2: When the /area is created
..() = "" // No name

I suggest going with method 1 ^_^
For future reference, this type of question would go to the Developer's How-To section in the Developers' forum.
I'm not sure what you mean about the names; there's a Frame Areas option in the Options menu you can turn off if it's drawing an outline around them. If they show names in the editor, one option you might have is to uncheck Layers | Areas in the menu.