Adam AI Chat V5

by Zelldot
Adam AI Chat V5
Also known as AIChat and AdamAI
This is a major bug in version 5.44 and is a subscriber feature, this is considered to be high priority to be fixed:

A bug has been discovered with the "Average Mode" in "Load And Merge" which merges two brain files into one, this bug does not effect the original "Adding Mode", which will still allow user to merge, all efforts will be made to fix this for version 5.45!

After a merge of two brain files using "Adding Mode" it is recommended to run "Check Brain" in the "Info" tab.

Average Mode is newer feature which is designed to improve on efficiency of merged brain files by finding the average weight between the two merged files.

An over weighted file can make response time slower, and multiple merged files can become slow if the brain files that are being merged are very similar, average mode is designed to alleviate this by calculating the average weight of each matching file, rather than adding the two weights together.
Zelldot resolved issue

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