When I tried by tutorial to make own local server (TauCeti/SS13), I got an problem: Config/Example has no HTML file + after compilation not creates DMB file

Result of compilating:

loading taucetistation.dme
loading interface/skin.dmf
code\datums\ (no_parent): ..: ..() has no parent proc to call
code\datums\ New: undefined proc
taucetistation.dmb - 1 error, 1 warning (9/5/24 7:41 pm)
Just downgrade to byond 1642,

We also have a tauceti discord chat where we can help with such problems, you can find the link on our website or in the repo.
In response to VolAs
Thanks for anwser. I will try this
In response to VolAs
Downgraded. Now I should recompile?

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