I recently caught up with a friend of mine from Highschool who dabbled with Byond a bit when we were going to work on a game, and it made me curious... its been over 20 years since I first joined Byond, I haven't been very active here for most of that time since graduating college, but still remember a lot of the community.

What are you all up to?

I've been mostly slinging business app code for a living the past decade.
Not doing a whole lot. I joined back in 2007. It's been 17 years. I haven't really touched gaming in some years; mostly working as a full stack software engineer and lurking around Vylocity.
I joined back in 06, almost 20 years, goodness! I come around and look at things, but I honestly haven't been active since the guilds were in place. That was a time to be alive. I miss the different communities it created.

Now I'm an Automation Engineer handling the SOAR for my company. A lot of what BYOND built in me has come full circle here (first job where I actually have to think like a programmer lol), and I'm STILL ripping source codes, just in the workforce now lol.
Enjoying the freedoms of life because crypto was a blessing a few years ago.
Well I am still Teka via various gaming platforms, mostly a steam gamer of Jrpg preference!

Joined back in 2001 with my Timmy key, but everyone knows me as Teka(real name is Tim)

I am 35 years old now, I spent a lot of my years in maintenance, and general repair sort of work, but for the last 2 years I've had a carpenter job in a work shop doing joinery, Started doing multi-skilled work and then going on to a side by side apprenticeship and i am 2/3 of the way to getting my qualifications and papers for being a carpenter.

I am married and have a wife and 2 girls who are nearly 4 years old and 8 months old.

Still living in the uk in the house i bought with my wife in 2018.

Doing well in general, checking on Byond probably a handful of times a year still, I haven't tried programming in years though i was best at web development html/css etc i still enjoy drawing but no pixel art any more.
Well, I moved to Texas for a few years when I was 19 years old. Had a wild young adult sperge out like Miley Cyrus. But we can just ignore all that. :B but I got really bored of that life, so I decided to move off grid, and so I did.

And I am glad I did because the years are coming where people are struggling to pay their bills, and my only bills are propane, gas, and water. My hobbies are the same, where I make music and games. I actually did fiver for a couple of years and made a bit of extra money. And I am still making an MMO that may or may not ever be finished lol.
In response to Branks
Branks wrote:
Enjoying the freedoms of life because crypto was a blessing a few years ago.

Hahaha, back when everyone thought it was a scam. If I had $10 worth of bitcoin I would of been so rich.
In response to Ganing
Ganing wrote:

Now I'm an Automation Engineer handling the SOAR for my company. A lot of what BYOND built in me has come full circle here

4 years of tinkering with BYOND gave me an excellent start in OOP principles, debugging code and problem solving once i hit college. It did teach me some bad habits too, but those got beaten out of me pretty quickly.

I feel like spending 3 years in HS trying to help other people debug code issues in code bases they don't understand is the reason why I pick up and understand new codebases at work quickly.
In response to Teka123
Teka123 wrote:
Well I am still Teka via various gaming platforms, mostly a steam gamer of Jrpg preference!

Joined back in 2001 with my Timmy key, but everyone knows me as Teka(real name is Tim)

I am 35 years old now, I spent a lot of my years in maintenance, and general repair sort of work, but for the last 2 years I've had a carpenter job in a work shop doing joinery, Started doing multi-skilled work and then going on to a side by side apprenticeship and i am 2/3 of the way to getting my qualifications and papers for being a carpenter.

I am married and have a wife and 2 girls who are nearly 4 years old and 8 months old.

Still living in the uk in the house i bought with my wife in 2018.

Doing well in general, checking on Byond probably a handful of times a year still, I haven't tried programming in years though i was best at web development html/css etc i still enjoy drawing but no pixel art any more.

Well I'll be damned, I didn't think you still lurked around Teka!
I joined in '05, been 19 years. I'm 28 and probably not where i should be in life, but overall I'm happy, healthy, and enjoying a mostly quiet life on a farm. Recently worked at a national park for the summer and that was a really awesome experience. Probably will keep doing seasonal work and traveling for the next couple years. After that, who knows!
In response to Kumorii
Kumorii wrote:
I joined in '05, been 19 years. I'm 28 and probably not where i should be in life, but overall I'm happy, healthy, and enjoying a mostly quiet life on a farm. Recently worked at a national park for the summer and that was a really awesome experience. Probably will keep doing seasonal work and traveling for the next couple years. After that, who knows!

I'm kind of a hermit, but i'm an adventurous hermit.
aye we are the same age and joined the same year.
In response to Audio freak XD
Hell yeah, brudder. B) Good to see you're still around!
In response to Kumorii
Kumorii wrote:
Hell yeah, brudder. B) Good to see you're still around!

You as well! BYOND will always be dear to my heart.
Still here, Still gangster since 2007

Also, I just noticed 'Atol Soldier' is back. Im that old to know him, and the rivalry of supremecy and Dark Apoc, good lord.

Byond's Gangsta
Since 2008. Moved to Australia and live by the river in a cabin I made. Got a project on the go, might be the first to classify as an actual "game". I go out into the city to get power and wifi. Things are good
Hey Kumorii I'm 28 too!!! 1996 pals!!
I just got an email telling me my membership was expiring so I thought I'd have a look at the forums and saw this thread, which was rather amusing.

Nowadays I'm a software engineer for a company that makes audiovisual hardware - Blackmagic Design. I work on the firmware for various products in C++.

I still think back to my old BYOND days fondly. Definitely part of why I am where I am today.
In response to Rod5
Rod5 wrote:
Still here, Still gangster since 2007

Also, I just noticed 'Atol Soldier' is back. Im that old to know him, and the rivalry of supremecy and Dark Apoc, good lord.

Byond's Gangsta

Haha, good old days bro ;p
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