The week was pretty choppy as predicted, but more productive than it had any right to be. I got a new maintenance release for 515 out on Wednesday, clearing the deck a little, and it included a bit of type cleanup I had discussed on Patreon recently that's necessary for prepping for any eventual move to 64-bit. No, 64-bit isn't planned soon, but the fewer obstacles in the way of that transition, the better.
I followed up with more work along those lines since then, and still have more to do. But how fares the big project that's holding up 516? Well, as I mentioned I was going to pace myself on that a little, but it's still moving forward with further tests and I managed to figure out a problem that was bugging me. Truth be told I think I'm closer to the final push than I would have expected, but I'm definitely, definitely not doing said push until after Labor Day. And frankly that week is kind of jammed up. But we're getting there, and I can't wait to see the back of it.
Since I'm keenly aware of the desire for BYOND to eventually move to 64-bit, I think the type cleanup is an ongoing thing that makes really good sense to focus on during these tumultuous next few weeks. However, I also have some minor to-do items for 516 including some Byondapi upgrades, so that's on the menu.
I also need to do some reference cleanup in 516 because the new icon_w/z feature and the fact of bound_x/y no longer being a preferred way of setting bounds isn't really described clearly enough. This was some invaluable feedback from the alpha group, so I'm taking it to hear and getting on that too. Unlike YouTube, who never saw a bad idea they didn't like and is trying to sneakily roll out that comments-on-the-side thing that literally everyone hates.
Since BYOND isn't YouTube, your support is important, so thank you to all the BYOND Members and regular contributors who keep it going. If you're not among their noble ranks, remember the prices haven't gone up in ages which is the only thing that can be said of anymore, so I joke about finding the change in your couch but that's probably closer to true now than it ever has been.
And yes, I did, as promised, go to the Fair. I'm paying for it today with a lot of hip pain but I'll definitely go back in sometime when I'm rested up, probably with my wife. I learned that deep fried pretzel bites are a thing but was shockingly unable to track them down yet. I'll keep looking, for science.
Aug 23, 10:59 am