I am having a difficult time handling several players who were banned from my game. They are using some sort of proxy to change their IP, so I can't really code that in. I'm unsure of some of the other routes I can take, could someone maybe enlighten me?
It's come to the point where they've tried using some sort of bot that logs in a key to spam every time one of my administrators log into the game. Along with that, they come on random times and do the same things. I know I can disable guest keys, but is that as far as it goes, other than implementing a system to protect from spam?
It's gotten far out of hand. :X And I currently am unable to access my coding, because I'm operating temporarily on Ubuntu 9.10
Mar 22 2010, 12:52 pm
That would still leave you with the option of client.comuter_id and strict rules on guest keys.
Nightmare3 wrote:
It sounds much like you need a decent spam prevention.
The whole topic itself should go to the Developers forum, as it is less of an issue with needing help on BYOND, but needing help on how to implement some protection.