I've been insanely busy this week, but you wouldn't know it from this vantage point. Absolutely no work went into 515 maintenance, and I pushed out a 516 alpha release yesterday that was overdue but it didn't really have anything new since last weekend.
That's right, the long project has gotten hot and it's consumed all my attention as I was certain it would. I was hoping, however, that the current state of it would be hitting at the end of last week instead of now, because the obstacles I keep running into keep pushing me back (which in turn push back the 516 beta) and honestly this thing is running into money. Because of how my personal schedule lays out, I have a pretty strong suspicion that if I don't get this mostly finished next week it's gonna drag into September. And having dragged into August already, it really sucks. But the delays can't be helped and nothing can be rushed.
The work this week has been mentally taxing, and I remain twitchy. It hasn't been entirely unrewarding however, as it's highlighted some code issues I need to address in the future. I made some discoveries, for instance, that will affect future endeavors to go 64-bit. I discovered some potential bugs that shockingly are not causing problems in the current code even though I can't explain why, and I'm implementing those fixes right away. So there are little things I can put on the list as fix and optimization targets down the road, and that's not bad.
Now more than ever your contributions as BYOND Members and on platforms like Patreon and SubscribeStar are appreciated. It means a lot that so many of you have stuck with this journey, and I hope to have great stuff to show you for it soon.
Somehow I am still sober, and still haven't stabbed anybody. But I'm probably gonna miss out on fireworks tonight because a certain stupid ocean couldn't mind its own stupid business. Don't forget to tip your friendly neighborhood game engine developer, and mak gam.
Aug 9 2024, 10:58 am
By chance?