Well, I'm less stabby this week but it's a very near thing, because I was making basically zero progress on the long project until just yesterday, when I got to bash my head against the wall constructively for quite a while before being forced to stop. Just prior to post, I was able to get to the milestone point I was hoping to reach on Tuesday (and optimistically, a couple weeks before that). So... yay? Gads I want that over with.

But while that's holding up the 516 beta, it's more bug investigations and more feature work for me. I actually snuck a cool thing into the next alpha that's been requested before, and I think I have room to improve on it in the future. And since I'd like to have something positive to say, I'll let you in on what it is: split stat and verb panels. Now you can keep verbs in a completely separate control. Eventually I'd like verbs to even be able to split up by specific tabs. For statpanels, sadly the engine has a baked-in limitation preventing me from splitting those up into separate controls by stat tab. But still, pretty cool feature and it's been wanted for a while. This is also the first announcement of it, so you're getting this news at the same time as the alpha team.

Anyway, the next alpha will probably come pretty soon. The next maintenance release I'm less sure of. This was supposed to be a fairly busy week and instead it went all stop-and-go on me. Next week is gonna be nuts because I just—literally just—got to where I can work on the stuff I was hoping to get to early this week. Hopefully it's smooth sailing after that, but that hasn't been my experience. I really don't want this dragging out into the Fair, for a lot of reasons.

Things have gotten a bit expensive, so I appreciate those of you who support the platform as subscribers and/or BYOND Members all the more. For those who don't, it's a small thing you can do to help keep this crazy train rolling, and these days it costs less than groceries and a heck of a lot less than a tank of gas.

Any day now I'm hoping soft strawberry ice cream will be on the menu, and the Fair is not far off. This is looking to be no less a tumultuous month than July, but at least the food should be better. The politics, not so much.
It is pretty inspirational how continuously you have worked on this platform Lummox. The new pixel movement and vector quality of life improvements are going to be great and I hope the fundraising has been adequate for the time you put in to making this engine better. Its a tough job.
MasterDan Sup so now you coding for Byond now nice
I don't have the time I used to, lol. However I do have a warm spot for BYOND and like to support or work on code here and there. Nothing crazy.
Oh so you working for a big company like Google and Twitch I here ya make that money.
For statpanels, sadly the engine has a baked-in limitation preventing me from splitting those up into separate controls by stat tab.

What's the baked in limitation?

Statpanels really wouldn't be bad at all if it weren't for the fact that you can only have the one. --It'd be really nice to have a "naked" statpanel page that doesn't do tabs. Grids are just pretty awful to work with.
i feel so edged, byond 516 is so close.
In response to Ter13
Ter13 wrote:
For statpanels, sadly the engine has a baked-in limitation preventing me from splitting those up into separate controls by stat tab.

What's the baked in limitation?

The engine has a concept that each client has a currently active panel, which is the only one that actually receives updates when Stat() is running on the server. Only the active panel's stat lines get sent over to the client. This is pretty difficult to get around without a massive rework. In fact there are built-in procs that take advantage of this, where statpanel() can be used as a conditional, preventing the proc from doing work that will just be discarded.