I was wondering if anyone knew a cheap site for shell servers for my game.Im looking for prices under 100 i looked today and one site was charging 400 dollars a year pft yeah right....
anyways plz post site :-d not links just the sites name.
I'm thinking about turning this extra box here into a shell server, pick a messenger and I'll get in touch with you about it.

MSN: [email protected]
Yahoo: Mikau1315
AIM: DarkMikau15

(MSN prefered)
digitalbyond offers cheap.
Flame Sage wrote:
digitalbyond offers cheap.

Yeah, Digi charges $5-$7 a month for 24/7 hosting, which adds up to $60-$84 a year.
You get what you pay for.
Don't expect a 1$ per month hosting job, not a good one anyway. is a reliable free hosting service. I've had an account with slayn for almost seven years now. Haven't paid a cent.
I think he's refering to game hosting for his game, not just file hosting.
Disturbed Puppy wrote:
Flame Sage wrote:
digitalbyond offers cheap.

Yeah, Digi charges $5-$7 a month for 24/7 hosting, which adds up to $60-$84 a year.

That's the cheapest I've seen yet.