
by Branks
A game of checkers. Nothing special.

Checkers Game Guide

Welcome to the Checkers game! This guide will help you understand the gameplay, features, and how to navigate through the game.

Getting Started

  • Start Game: Select 'Start Game' from the main menu to begin playing.
  • Options: Customize your game settings such as difficulty, sound, and player color.
  • Quit: Exit the game.

Game Basics

  • Objective: The goal is to capture all of your opponent's pieces or block them so they have no legal moves.
  • Turns: Players alternate turns. Red moves first by default.
  • Moves: Click on a piece to see its valid moves, then click on the destination square to move.


  • Regular Pieces: Can only move diagonally forward.
  • Kings: When a piece reaches the opponent's back row, it is crowned as a king and can move diagonally in any direction.

Special Moves

  • Capturing: Jump over an opponent's piece to capture it. Multiple jumps are allowed in a single turn if possible.
  • King Moves: Kings can move both forward and backward diagonally.

Game Interface

  • Highlighting Moves: Valid moves are highlighted when you select a piece.
  • Menu: Access the in-game menu by pressing the 'Menu' button. You can resume, restart, or quit the game from here.


Unlock achievements as you play. Here are some you can earn:

  • Rookie: Play your first game.
  • Veteran: Play 10 games.
  • Crown Jewel: Make your first king.
  • Royal Flush: Make 5 kings in a single game.
  • Conqueror: Capture 20 pieces in total.
  • Unstoppable: Win 3 games in a row.
  • Quick Victory: Win a game in under 10 minutes.
  • Flawless: Win a game without losing any pieces.
  • Double Capture: Capture two pieces in one move.
  • King Master: Have all your pieces be kings in a single game.
  • Strategist: Win a game without making any kings.

Saving and Loading

  • Auto-Save: Your game progress, including achievements, is automatically saved. When you start a new session, your progress will be loaded.
  • Load Game: Automatically loads the saved game data when you start a new session.

Additional Features

  • AI Difficulty: Adjust the AI difficulty from the options menu (Easy, Medium, Hard).
  • Sound: Toggle sound on and off in the options menu.
  • Player Color: Choose to play as Red or Black.