Tales of Mana - Patch Updates #14 (Ver 1.0.86 v.1 - v.4.2)
Version Patch 1.0.86 (v.1 - v.4.2) - Update
NEW - System QoL
- Misc Configuration
Players have access to Misc.Config in Settings Menu
- Post Signs
Post Signs have been added in places to help guide a player to a location.
- The Chronicler - Dire Bosses Challenge
An NPC called The Chronicler has been added in the demo where players must cleared some quests in order to tackle his challenges. Note that they will be available only while the game is in demo phase, it is also a prototype for future raids & expert challenges. Once a player has cleared the requested quests, The Chronicler will level them to current level cap with current endgame gears and gear shards to improve gears' stats and proceeds to allow to tackle the demo's raid challenges.
CHANGES - General QoL
- Chat Bubble
Chat Bubble been updated to look better and smoother with some slide effects for each new message.
- Togglable Chat Button
A togglable chat button was set that allow players to switch channel without having the need to press F7-F8-F9 or typing the /[channel] command.
- Tutorial System
Tutorial have been updated to fit the latest visuals in the game.
- Menus and Shop Window
Menus and Shop Window have been optimized when loading objects in the client's screen. Weapon & Armor Shops only now shows the gears available to the player's class.
CHANGES - Battle QoL
- Target System
Target System has been improved and allowing to auto-target into an another enemy upon their defeat.
- Shortcut Items
The visual in shortcut items have been enhanced to pop out a bit better with a drop shadow filter. (Thanks to Crazah's feedback)
- Weapons' Stats Adjustment
All weapons' stats have been adjusted to improve classes' performances in PvE Battles.
CHANGES - Classes
- Fighter
An arte of Fighter have been improved in potency.
- Gunman
Most of Gunman's Artes have been improved in potency or utility.
- Kunoichi
Some of Kunoichi's Artes have been improved in potency and/or utility.
FIXES - Quests
- Sanora Village - Mia
A bug had been found where it wouldn't properly give the right quest, hence would lead to an issue to repeat the same quest without progressing Mia's quests line.