Tales of Mana

by Mana Production
Tales of Mana
RPG of One's Journey In A World Of Mana.
Version Patch 1.0.86 (v.1 - v.4.2) - Update

NEW - System QoL

Misc Configuration

Players have access to Misc.Config in Settings Menu
Allows to change in-game refresh rate.
Allows to change password/security word in the current logged Mana Account.

Post Signs

Post Signs have been added in places to help guide a player to a location.

The Chronicler - Dire Bosses Challenge

An NPC called The Chronicler has been added in the demo where players must cleared some quests in order to tackle his challenges. Note that they will be available only while the game is in demo phase, it is also a prototype for future raids & expert challenges. Once a player has cleared the requested quests, The Chronicler will level them to current level cap with current endgame gears and gear shards to improve gears' stats and proceeds to allow to tackle the demo's raid challenges.

CHANGES - General QoL

Chat Bubble

Chat Bubble been updated to look better and smoother with some slide effects for each new message.
Togglable Chat Button

A togglable chat button was set that allow players to switch channel without having the need to press F7-F8-F9 or typing the /[channel] command.
Tutorial System

Tutorial have been updated to fit the latest visuals in the game.
Menus and Shop Window

Menus and Shop Window have been optimized when loading objects in the client's screen. Weapon & Armor Shops only now shows the gears available to the player's class.

CHANGES - Battle QoL

Target System

Target System has been improved and allowing to auto-target into an another enemy upon their defeat.
Shortcut Items

The visual in shortcut items have been enhanced to pop out a bit better with a drop shadow filter. (Thanks to Crazah's feedback)


Weapons' Stats Adjustment

All weapons' stats have been adjusted to improve classes' performances in PvE Battles.

CHANGES - Classes


An arte of Fighter have been improved in potency.
Guardian Field: Now heals himself and his surroundings up to 20% of their Max.HP instead of 10%. TP Cost has been increased.

Most of Gunman's Artes have been improved in potency or utility.
Charge Shot: 160 -> 200 Potency (240 -> 260 Potency for Altered Charge Shot)
Wildfire Shot: 200 -> 250 Potency (330 -> 380 Potency on Explode Hit)
Rapid Fire: 60 -> 80 Potency (50 -> 60 Potency for Extra Bullets)
Spread Shot: 90-130 -> 105-165 Potency (Each hit after the first hit increases by 15 potency)
High Noon: 120 -> 150 Potency
Bullet Rain and Myriad Rain: Allowing the Gunman to use these artes both grounded and in the air instead of only being in the air while the bullets are closest to the Gunman's location.

Some of Kunoichi's Artes have been improved in potency and/or utility.
Shadow Edge: 70 -> 85 Potency
Mowing Blade / Howling Blade: 70-120 -> 85-145 Potency (Different potency per hit frame) - Altered Arte: Howling Blade unlocked at 250 uses of Mowing Blade, when using Mowing Blade in the air, the arte will change into Howling Blade, a spinning air attack that continously deal damage until she lands on ground (65 Potency Howling Blade)
Phase Shift: Self-heals Kunoichi up to 15% of their MaxHP instead of 8%, while granting a Regen and Endure status buffs. TP Cost has been increased.

FIXES - Quests

Sanora Village - Mia

A bug had been found where it wouldn't properly give the right quest, hence would lead to an issue to repeat the same quest without progressing Mia's quests line.