Well this week was a complete dumpster fire. A great deal of it was broken up and thrown into chaos by multiple personal emergencies, including and especially another frelling tornado. I was about to make a late lunch on Tuesday when I checked the weather, saw storms headed our way but they didn't seem bad, and suddenly I'm in a tornado warning. Right after that expired without incident, a new warning came up and the weather hit in earnest, complete with power blinks. Puff and I were not happy. Wednesday had a very different issue come up, but unexpectedly and early enough in the morning to really mess me up.
Apart from that however, I've mainly been focused on investigating bug reports, and also the longer project which is still gaining momentum and likely to take up a lot of time next week. 516 stuff has only gotten some minor touches, which includes adding, but not yet testing, support for the := operator that was overlooked.
Not gonna lie, it's been a frustrating week. Unfortunately I have a backlog of 516 issues to still look into that I probably missed because they got brought up 1) in Discord 2) over the weekend, and those get buried. I'll probably need to remind the testers—on Monday— to bring up a short list of action items and any test projects involved. When the to-do list is scattered about in multiple places, things get lost. Especially when I'm pulled in multiple different directions, one of which is downstairs to the basement.
But I'm grateful as always for the incredible support of the BYOND Members and other regular contributors who keep it all going. I couldn't do any of this without you.
Hopefully next week will be a lot less like this one, while also being less like I actually expect it to be. By the time this summer's out I might have to take up drinking, and I can't even afford that. Whatever comes, pray it isn't another tornado, or plagues of locusts driven by a supernatural horseman because at this rate I wouldn't rule it out. In the meantime, may you walk on warm sands.
Jul 19, 10:10 am
Jul 22, 4:08 pm
The last warm sand I walked on caused me to seek shade because it was too warm.