BYOND Build Number: Newest Version
Operating System: Vista
Video/Graphics Card: Dunno; Brand New
Game Hub/Link: All
Internet Connection Type: Wired
Firewalls/Routers: Windows Firewall/Netgear
Problem Description: Cannot connect to any BYOND servers. It stays at 'Connecting to Dream Seeker...' for as logn as I leave it there. I've been having this problem for a while now.
Steps to Reproduce Problem: Joining any BYOND game through hub, pager, bookmarks, links, etc.
Jun 18 2009, 11:50 am (Edited on Jun 18 2009, 12:00 pm)
If this does not help, what exactly is 'newest version' as BYOND build. When did this problem start and did you change anything around that time?
You can log on the pager without trouble, right?