this player called 1337 Agent Gearheart has been harrasing me several times on byond and is spamming my pager and he harrases me alot in the games i play and its getting out of hand
<--(3:12 pm) 1337 Agent Gearheart: I only bully you because you're so fun to, and so susceptable to it, too. And in that, still. I was surprised you were still this easily bullied.
<--(3:13 pm) 1337 Agent Gearheart: It all takes me back to another time, in the younger days of SS13, when me and a bunch of the other players were making fun of you. Good times. But now you're even more prone to bullying, due to you being a nigger-juden and whatnot.
<--(3:14 pm) 1337 Agent Gearheart: I'll never grow up, CyberLee. You see, I'm in NeverLand! A place where no kid grows up! You should know this, CyberLee, you've probably watched the movie hundreds, if not thousands of times.
<--(3:17 pm) 1337 Agent Gearheart: So, you made a new BYOND account, huh?
<--(3:18 pm) 1337 Agent Gearheart: I remember, back in the day .. when you had about 50 of them, and you kept rejoining some of the servers, just to hang out with people who didn't like you. You were really desperate back then. Are you still desperate now?
can someone please ban him off of byond or something cause i paid for byond membership and i dont want to be getting harrased on some program i use on a daily basis
May 3 2009, 1:29 pm
We thank you for your report, but the BYOND help staff is ill-equipped to deal with issues such as this. Please report this offensive material on the Support Form. Your submission will be private and automatically be forwarded to someone who can help.
You might want to consider handling this all by yourself though and just pager-ban that person.
That way he can not contact you anymore and that seems to be what you want.
Yours sincerely,