Okay, I've been hosting Finale for awhile now, and although most of the time there's no lag, sometimes we'll just start getting hit by massive lagspikes. When I go to check the computer that's hosting, DD is acting erratically, like a frozen/slow window, or whatever. When I check the CPU and VM usage under Task Manager, it sometimes spikes up to 450,000/1,200,000 respectively... I noticed that when it does spike up that high, the server lags to high hell. But, then when it starts going back down (if it does), the server's fine again. Is there any way to stop this from happening? It only happens about once every day or two days, but it is kinda annoying.
By the way, the computer is basically a dedicated hosting machine. No one ever needs to use it, except once every few days for firefox or something, so I have the minimum amount of stuff running at all times.
![]() Dec 20 2008, 9:30 am
![]() Dec 20 2008, 5:23 pm
Hmm, It seems that its a problem with the game, Probably an infinite loop or a loop that lasts x amount of time.