I've been messing around in Photoshop for a while now, but what I made took no real work at all; I was addicted to the idea of clicking a few buttons and making an "awesome" picture. Now, as I was Googling a way to make some sweet landscapes, I came across this page, and saw what Photoshop can really do. Here are two images that I created after being inspired by that page:

I know that they aren't that good, but after showing them to two of my friends, they seemed to really like them, so I figured that I might as well post them here to get some feedback on them. Thanks.
The duck sucks 455 compared to the landscape, but then again the landscape's a friggen beaut. Good job thar.
Looks nice.
They look petty schmexy to me.
Actually the landscape is like god.
The duck is kind of odd, but I like it. And the landscape is amazing, keep it up man.