Problem Description: I started trying to work on a new game fom scratch today and was working on the base when I noticed I just can't seem to get a simple character loaded on to a simple map. Added a cheap player icon and a cheap turf but I can't seem to get the player to get into the game and onto the turf.

I also noticed that because of this I am also unable to log in to my old games. Then I also tried downloading some bases online like and many others but again and again the player won't log in.

The code I personally used for this looked somehing like this.
icon = 'player.dmi'
icon_state = "1"
loc = locate(1,1,1)

I've tried many tried rewriting the code in a lot of ways but still can't manage to get a character in. Does anyone know what is going on? This used to work back when I was coding 4 mnths ago but since I just started trying to get back into it today it no longer works. I also do not believe it to be merly a client problem because I am able to connect to most games.

Would appreciate any help anyone has to offer.