Proc calls from Byondapi libraries were incorrectly incrementing the refcount of the proc result.
BYOND Version:515
Operating System:Windows 10 Home 64-bit
Web Browser:Firefox 115.0
Applies to:Dream Daemon
Status: Resolved (515.1640)

This issue has been resolved.
Descriptive Problem Summary:

It seems that any refs returned by a proc called from byondapi are left hanging for some possibly indefinite amount of time.

Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:

1. Define a byondapi function that calls a proc (global or object)
2. Define a proc that returns a ref-counted object
3. Call_ext the byondapi function to call the proc with the appropriate arguments

Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:

C++ code:
extern "C" BYOND_EXPORT CByondValue call_global(int n, CByondValue v[]) {
CByondValue result;
if (n < 1 || !ByondValue_IsStr(&v[0])) {
return result;
char* procname;
u4c char_count;
Byond_ToString(&v[0], nullptr, &char_count);
procname = new char[char_count];
Byond_ToString(&v[0], procname, &char_count);
const CByondValue* args = n > 1 ? &v[1] : nullptr;
if(!Byond_CallGlobalProc(procname, args, n-1, &result)) {

return result;

DM code:
/proc/_new(type, ...)
if(args.len > 1)
return new type(arglist(args.Copy(2)))
return new type()

/datum/New() //This is just to show that our proc call did create the object
world.log << "New: [\ref(src)]"

world.log << "Del: [\ref(src)]"

call_ext(LIB, "byond:call_global")("_new", "/datum")


Expected Results:
The world.log << "Del: [\ref(src)]" line should execute after a short while (tgstation waits 5 minutes for refs held by byond to automatically clear themselves before assuming they are left hanging and need to be hard-deleted with del())

Actual Results:
So far, I haven't seen the aforementioned line execute after even 5 minutes.

Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often?
It seems to happen with any byondapi proc call that returns a ref-counted object.
In other games?
In other user accounts?
On other computers?

Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? (Visit to download old versions for testing.)

While calling Byond_DecRef after any byondapi proc call will definitely remove whatever erroneous ref is created, this also runs the risk of decrementing proper ref counts, causing erroneous deletions.
Calling Byond_DecRef() shouldn't risk an erroneous decref because it only works on refs that Byondapi is known to hold.

For the Del() call, don't forget that ..() needs to be called as well.

I was going to say that you should be able to produce a simpler demo case by calling Byond_New() instead of a global proc. But in testing I've discovered that the global call does indeed hold a ref too long, so I'm digging in to find out why. Calling Byond_New() however works exactly as expected.

This is my simplified test case:

world.log << "Created \ref[src]: [src]"
world.log << "Deleting \ref[src]: [src]"

world.log << "NewHighlander called"
return new/highlander()

world.log << "calling Highlander"
call_ext(DLL, "byond:Highlander")()
world.log << "done"

// bug report 2928951
extern "C" BYOND_EXPORT CByondValue Highlander(u4c argc, ByondValue argv[]) {
ByondValue result, object, type;
type = "/highlander";
//object = Byond_New(type, NULL, 0);
object = Byond_CallGlobalProc("NewHighlander", NULL, 0);
return result;
Interesting. This applied to non-global procs as well.
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
Proc calls from Byondapi libraries were incorrectly incrementing the refcount of the proc result.