Someone decided that it would be a good idea to drive into the back of a truck parked behind my dad's Blazer. Oh, but hilarity ensues as the laws of physics have fun with momentum, and make the truck hit the rear of the Blazer, pushing it forward two feet; in the process, the rear door is bent in half, and the window is smashed to little tiny bite size bits of fun. And to top it off with a cherry and whip cream happy-fun topping, Mr. I'm-so-cool*-that-I-don't-need-to-stay leaves in a hurry.
Thank god it only took the cops about an hour to get there. Mr. Mr. I'm-so-cool-that-I-don't-need-to-stay couldn't have gotten too far in that time, could he?
Awesome side-note: Apparently Jesus hates my family. On his "birthday" three years ago, our flue caught fire, and we were up until 1:00 AM until everything was over and done with and the fire was out. Now, on the anniversary of his death, this happens. -_-
*By cool, I mean drunk and/or high.
![]() Apr 7 2007, 7:26 pm (Edited on Apr 8 2007, 4:25 am)
I was the victim of a hit and run too, cept this time it was in a school parking lot. Took them about 2 months to find the guy who did it, and when they finally did, it had already been so long that I had already dumped the car.
Our car is a magnet for accidents, it seems...
A little over a year ago, a guy ran a red light and we crashed into him (luckily, the light was red our way, and had just turned green, so we weren't moving very fast) Fortunately, the entire thing happened right in front of a police cruiser, so the situation on scene was handled very quickly, along with a police report stating that we were not at fault... The trouble then came later, when we discovered that he was uninsured (he recently had insurance, and even presented information at the scene, but we later found out that he had missed a payment, and they had *just* cancelled his coverage) So, our insurance had to pay for the repairs (and rental costs), but we had a $500 deductible that we had to pay out of pocket, and hope for reimbursement from the guy... We reported him as an uninsured driver, which suspended his license, and our insurance had to turn him over to a collection agency... We eventually did get some money out of him (the state of Ohio wouldn't reinstate his driving priveleges until he paid), but we ended up only seeing about half of the money we had paid... Then, just a month ago, we had a fender bender (actually, more like "bumper cracker", since the things are all plastic nowdays) in the Wal*Mart parking lot... Unfortunately this time, the insurance of the other driver refused to pay (his version of the accident puts him in far too favorable of light, and for lack of other evidence, they call it "mutual negligence"), and we were stuck with paying the $250 deductible for repairs (we've got a new policy since the previous accident) And in between there have been countless near misses from people not paying attention (trying to cross through a parking lot the wrong way, pulling out of spaces too fast, running stop signs, etc) |
Sorry to bring this here, but I have to know if I've gone crazy...
Just a few minutes ago, there was a post by a guy who claimed to work for a video game magazine that would send someone to E3 '07... You called him out on the B.S., and I followed up with the death blow that mentioned that E3 will no longer be held (at least not in the form we all knew and loved) But suddenly, that post no longer seems to exist! Did I dream it? lol |
No, we both proved him wrong, so he realized he was fooling no one and deleted it. I get the feeling he was just trying to get some easy workers.
Yeah, it definitely sounded like that to me, too, with the "no payment, but if you work enough, I might put your name in" bit...
(Of course, if that wasn't really the case, you'd have some pretty stiff fines on your hands. ;-))
Many people don't quite understand that police have many calls going at once. Police are always on the move. Traffic duty is often a break from domestic calls, but many cops hate traffic duty because they aren't directly stopping violence or helping families get back together, only making them pay money, indirectly making only a tiny dent in a massive intangible problem. Worse, they get yelled at by the people they issue tickets to, because everyone drives dangerously and this somehow gives them the impression that it's okay for them to do so as well.