Operating System: Dell Windows Xp
Website Browser and Build Number: not sure
URL/Link to problem page(s): Dont have one, my problem is with all games.

Problem Description: When I log into my byond account on the minibar in the bottom right of the screen it says BYOND Central is not accessible.BYOND Central is not accessible. It wont allow me to become online when it clearly lets me log into the application to start games. Anyone know why it does this? Status: offline .. no news at this time! I cant enter any games and I dont know why it wont let me.
i have the same problem :<
did anyone help you?
i cant seem to fix it
G'day Shakedown.

You posted this message in the wrong forum. I took the liberty of moving it for you, however the template you filled out because of your error is the wrong one.

In order for me to help you, I'll need you to fill out this template:

Incidently, it might benefit either of you to read this tutorial if you have recently changed from Internet Explorer to Firefox or if you have Windows Firewall enabled (tutorial will show you how to tell if it is).

BYOND Build Number:
Operating System:
Video/Graphics Card:
Game Hub/Link:
Internet Connection Type:

Problem Description:

In response to Tiberath
In response to Tiberath
BYOND Build Number:419.985
Operating System:Windows XP
Video/Graphics Card:I don't know how to find out
Game Hub/Link:
Internet Connection Type:Wireless

Problem Description:When I tried to join Vithigar's v4.5 server of Duel monsters unlimited, and Byond opened, I did manage to login, but i got the message, "BYOND Central is not accesible". The parts of the template i left blank are ones i don't know about. If you require this information, please specify exactly what I'm looking for and how to find it. But please help me as soon as possible
In response to Tiberath
me too
In response to Assaa
Submit a proper bug report!
In response to Masta yo
its acting up again, i i'm getting the same problem :/, anyone know how to help?