how do i get into the forum of a game i dont see a link anymore its kinda frustrating.
The forums that were attached to every individual game on the BYOND Hub were deleted in the move to the new site, since in many cases people would make a forum for their game and then just leave it to languish forever.

There was actually a warning about this when the old BYOND Members site was rolled out -- Dantom and crew had been planning to delete the individual game forums ever since the first BYOND Members site rolled out in 2004 -- although it was admittedly pretty difficult to find the places the warnings were posted (they were mentioned in an announcement or two here or there). Before the move to the new site, people who had game forums on the Hub could copy the posts from their game forums to their BYOND Members guild forums. If that didn't happen with the game or games you liked, sadly, the posts are all gone.

The move to integrate forums with BYOND Members was part of a strategy to encourage people to use the guild system.
