Great stuff thank you. No errors. I am able to set the mob to start where I want it. Now, moving on....
I made my map and i cant see my player avatar anyone know why?
But the screen moves as if it was there
You probably have a typo in the icon_state.
hmmmmm.... ok so i need to redo the icon?
Unless you left the icon blank, no. You need to make sure you programmed the icon_state the same as what you set the icon_state to on the icon. So if you have the icon set to "Player" Make sure you put icon_state="Player" or else it won't show the icon.

Something like that.
ok so how do i make the icon match my key gender?
that is upon login?
Not really much of a programmer myself, but you might be able to check forum/?post=1099637&hl=set%20gender#comment3778071 it shows there how to make a Login system with gender selection.
Set it in the login function. This will change the icon state to male_normal for males, female_normal for ladies, or nuter_normal for not set.

..() //call the base login.
src.icon_state = "[src.gender]_normal"

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