How about a compromise ....
Make it so you can turn the filter on and off for yourself. So that if someone doesn't care to see the curse words they can leave it on.
So like the curse words will be turned into *'s Rather than show up. So like
If someone says "You're a Bitch!" ... for someone that has the filter on it'll show "You're a *****!" Or you can just have it not show up at all for them.
Filter being on of course would be the default setting. That way no one can get upset about seeing bad language because they turned the filter off in the first place.
This would get all the players that don't want to be .... "Offended" taken care of and those that don't want to talk like they are in the 60's, Taken care of at the same time...
I think that's a good and a fair for everyone right? I mean it will work for everyone and benefit everyone.
1danny and PrayciousAnjel agree with me if you look at the old thread.
I think this idea would benefit all of us.
Your filter doesn't suck ....Its actually one of the best filters I've come across. The thing is though Adults that DO play your game and older teens don't want to be filtered ... You should give them a choice if they want bad language to show up or not, on their screens.
I'm saying don't change the filter just make it so that people have a choice. It took me some time to really think of this idea. And I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner for you. Really think about this one Falacy.
![]() Feb 14 2010, 8:12 pm (Edited on Feb 15 2010, 8:32 am)
No, the filter is not being changed, and its not being removed. How about this for a compromise: stop using offensive language, and the filter will stop blocking your messages.
Falacy wrote:
No, the filter is not being changed, and its not being removed. How about this for a compromise: stop using offensive language, and the filter will stop blocking your messages. I am not asking you to change the filter.... or take it out. And its not blocking MY messages hardly ever because i don't use curse words that much or "offensive language" but it is annoying when I'm having a conversation and a casual word like damn is blocked ... If you read the suggestion I told you your filter is one of the best especially for parents looking to shield their young ones from the bad language that can be on these games. I mean with your filter my Nephew and Neice who are Jehovah Witnesses can play this game. What I am suggesting is allowing people to choose to have their chat to be filtered. Its only what is fair. Honestly please just think about it. I'm NOT asking you to change the filter or take it out at all. In fact i want your filter to stay in. All I'm saying is that people should have the choice to filter their chat or not. Alot of games that i have played have this option Luna Online Perfect world international and several others. I dont know if im just not explaining it right and you dont understand or what. |
Antika wrote:
I am not asking you to change the filter.... or take it out. So you're not asking me to change or take out the filter. Just to change it to give players the options to take it out. NO. I'm not sure why you think this should at all be done. If you want to be an offensive moron than go do it on MSN or some other generic single person messenger so you don't bother multiple people that aren't at all interested in you or your fail outlook on social interactions. |
Falacy wrote:
Antika wrote: Now youre just being rude. I am trying to make your game better for everyone. By making a suggestion. It is not going to take out a chat filter for ANYONE. All it will do is allow the Persons that dont want to see the offensive language to not receive the messages that contain the offensive language. And others that dont care to beable to view it. It is not changing the filter or take it out. Infact there are some words i was gonna suggest to you to add. Ill admit at first i was a bit blunt about it and i shouldnt have been so. But this suggestion is good. By the way i was in the middle of editing my last post... |
Dude Falacy.
Since when do you care about people? Your over here saying crap like "so you don't bother multiple people that aren't at all interested in you or your fail outlook on social interactions." Since when do you care about the people that play your games? All you do is Call them shit. When they are willing to pay money for YOUR game to help with YOUR life, I think that at least people should get respect from the owner of any game. You don't have the right to disrespect people, that are giving suggestions. What's wrong with the idea? Lot's of people like it. Is it cause you just don't want to do the work to make this option? Just like your "Second part of the map" Or do you not give a flying fuck about what we think. If your gonna reject our ideas in a rude ass manner, then why don't you just delete the "Submit a Suggestion" Because you don't give a shit about what we think obviously. I'm also pretty sure that I am not the only one here that is sick of your disrespect Falacy. Because you have no right to be treating people like this. Thank you. -Carlos |
I rejected this "suggestion" rudely because A. I already said no multiple times, and the noobs aren't smart enough to comprehend that. And B. to point out the reason for an offensive filter. You whine about me being rude, but you want to be able to do it in the game? Genius. If any of you people deserved any tiny portion of my respect, then you might get it. And I didn't add the filters because I care about the players, I added them because I'm tired of babysitting your chat 24/7.
Dude, the stupid chat has glitches, whats the point? You can say ass. and it wont block. so why don't you fix it? and fix when people trick your little system with crap like d1clc. stuff like that. And I thought you have logs?
Carlostoval wrote:
Dude, the stupid chat has glitches, whats the point? You can say ass. and it wont block. so why don't you fix it? and fix when people trick your little system with crap like d1clc. stuff like that. And I thought you have logs? For the most part you can't say ass. But it can't be perfectly filtered because it appears in too many legit words. And I do have logs, and people who purposely bypass the filter get permanently globally muted. |
Falacy wrote:
I added them because I'm tired of babysitting your chat 24/7. Who asked you to read our chat? Its your own choice if you wish to read it or not. I don't remember anyone asking you to "babysit" us. It depends on us about what we say and think. I agree with Carlostoval, u can see that most people want the filter gone yet you are still completely ignoring them. How does this benefit us,you or the game? |
Fastflyer wrote:
Who asked you to read our chat? Its your own choice if you wish to read it or not. I don't remember anyone asking you to "babysit" us. It depends on us about what we say and think. Just a few of the countless that were posted on the forums alone: I agree with Carlostoval, u can see that most people want the filter gone yet you are still completely ignoring them. How does this benefit us,you or the game? Yes, I can see that most of you want to be worthless piles of offensive garbage. I can see that I'm not going to let you. I've already explained how it benefits everyone except you worthlessly offensive pieces of garbage. And as I also already explained, you noobs are too incompetently unintelligent to understand even the most basic of concepts. And since you were already told to drop this or get banned, you just got yourself added to the ban list. |
ok first of all, if you dont want your chat filtered, just keep a chat proggy up in the background, second of all..... erm falacy..... dont get high and mighty about how ignorant people are when you cant spell simple words..... third if the creator of a game doesnt want to change his game to suit you.... dont play, but please stop bitching about it.... it does nothing but clog up the forums
Kronikkilla wrote:
erm falacy..... dont get high and mighty about how ignorant people are when you cant spell simple words..... What didn't I spell correctly? Considering this thing gets run through Firefox's spell checker; I'd find it unlikely that anything was spelled wrong. |
i believe it was something on the main page or something i dont remember exactly cuz im sober now..... but maybe when i get trashed again i will remember and post?
Falacy wrote:
I rejected this "suggestion" rudely because A. I already said no multiple times, and the noobs aren't smart enough to comprehend that. And B. to point out the reason for an offensive filter. You whine about me being rude, but you want to be able to do it in the game? Genius. If any of you people deserved any tiny portion of my respect, then you might get it. And I didn't add the filters because I care about the players, I added them because I'm tired of babysitting your chat 24/7. Well so you know I have actually been playing your games for a long time. I'm not some noob complaining to you. I have even subscribed twice to your games. Used to play DBZ, desert defender, and Gold guardians a lot. I feel really that you just aren't trying to understand what I'm really suggesting. To explain it more simply all i was suggesting was to make it so that people can turn their filter off so that if they wanted to see the foul language the bad words will show and if people didn't want to see foul language it would show the bad words as ???? like it does now. I wasn't suggesting making it so that people can be rude to each other. or to get rid of it entirely or anything like that. It would be like ... if you've ever played FF-XI you can choose to have the chat you SEE ON THE SCREEN filtered or not. That's all i was suggesting. In any case Falacy I meant no disrespect towards you personally. You are a generally good person, i met you years ago when you started making games... what ever happened to that one game ... Celestial something i think you were making maybe was someone else? In any case i know when no is no. I just felt that maybe you weren't understanding what i was really saying and what you said in your statement in part B really showed you didn't understand. I'm not going to try and fight for this anymore. It was good at least to see that your games are doing well. I'm sorry the masses cant really behave for the most part. I'm sorry you in the past had to babysit chat while like this you still wouldn't have to as if you ever received any complaints you could simply say that if they don't like what someone else is saying then that person complaining can simply turn their chat filter back on. I hope the games keep going well for you, Falacy. I will tell you this .... Paradise city has come a long way from what it was. Good job. |
As a normal player, I personally don't care about the bad language.
Their are Kids, teens, and adults [As myself] that have their own opinions on whether or not they want bad language.
This would be fare.
People Would LOVE This!
I agree with her option.