Hi All!
Sorry for the long hiatus once again you know life sadly.
anyways this will be a post to try and keep me on track towards a future update that makes the game a little more unique!
Small Changes to come-
-Gravtrons! will start draining stamina to prevent them from being used 24/7 and to make training harder at the start of the game! change should be simple to do.
-Icons! a bunch of icons need to be done which will be done slowly throughout the games life cycle! dont expect to see big changes all at once but new icons every so often!
-NPCs/Mobs! Need to add more Friendly NPCS to add life including more mobs to farm for better PvE content.
-Events! Events need to be added since they are lacking to much unless an admin hosts one! Ill add an auto budokai system and new events in the future a lack of players means i dont need to worry about that right away.
Big Changes to come-
-Redo Ki comeplety! Ki is useless unless your evil and want to blow up a planet!
so im thinking of a ki revamp that will change all Ki techs and how Ki works in the game! for now ill add better ways to train Ki so i wont need to do so once ki gets redone! (NOTE i dont know much about coding so i might need to find someone to help with this revamp for Ki!
-Races! Races need to be rebalanced and have more unique transformations/ forms and icons! simple enough but a long process sadly.
-GUILDS! Guilds will be made more customizable with custom Guild houses as rewards or to purchased (in game with zenni) by the guild creator/ leader and will have its own events added into the game in the future! want to make a Guild power ranking system and have players have some fun PvP content for their clans if its what they enjoy!
-Raids! Add Big health big damage enemies like legendary super saiyan Broly to fight or janemba etc. Raids will be a server event with gear given based on damage dealt to the raid boss(may change if a system is better later on but for now this is good.)
-Mapping! i plan on redoing the map of earth to fit how the planet looks via maps of the dragonball universe and will try to do the same for the other planets.
and a few more i wont mention for now to get anyone hyped for a what may never happen!
Now for what i have been doing/ done in the game since last major hosting!
-Figuring out Mastery systems still (not yet implemented)
-training gains lowered!
-Added! Whis, Beerus and a ssgss form goku and vegeta into the game (will be used more later on for now there mainly just for show)
Whis will be giving a quest soon so keep an eye on him!
-SuperSaiyanGod! has been added but needs testing and still needs to be worked on for all the ingame hair icons to work with! but for now you get it Via Sagas when Beerus Saga shows up! (Note he is veeeeeery strong so very late game boss for now lol)
Thats all for the update post/ updates to come!
thanks for reading if you did and see you around sometime!
Apr 23 2024, 3:47 am