
by Falacy
Icons for BYOND to share! Uploaded by the BYOND community.
Check Icon Share :P.
I uploaded Da-4orce's Vegetrunks, Vegetrunks SSJ, GT Vegeta SSJ1, Tora.
Yeah I know you always check the icons, but I think maybe it will be a bit difficult to find them.
Type KingNaman on IconShare 'cause I got less icons.

P.S. If there are any problems, go to Da4.
lalalalala like falacy is gonna add them -.- he only adds from mateus arsil timme and zetaxx ._.
In response to Da-4orce
Lol da force ya always saying that.. ._.;

Btw falacy i made a adult piccolo gohan super saiyan.some reason it wouldnt let me upload plus i made a 2 mistakes with it but i got sonic fan to fix them for me and upload since i had to go at the time.States are all fixed and ready for hu2.
In response to Da-4orce
Da-4orce wrote:
lalalalala like falacy is gonna add them -.- he only adds from mateus arsil timme and zetaxx ._.

i guess zetaxx do nothing. he looks like do nothing just taking other people credits by edit or bllah blah blah...