Two days ago it was eighty degrees (farenheit) outside. I wake up this morning and what do I see on the rooftops? Freaking snow.
I was all ready for spring, too. =(
Apr 5 2007, 1:47 am
Apr 5 2007, 2:10 am
It happens....
Yup, freaking crazy weather this year... This is like the third time that it's gone from a 70+ degree day to a snowstorm overnight...
Gives more weight to the old adage, "If you don't like the weather, wait ten minutes" |
It was 90 degrees and my friend who went to a different school had a day off because of heat, the next day it was close to 10 degrees and he had a day off because it was too cold. I had both days of school. =(
Where is the justice?! |
yeah me 2 i had to wear a winter coat today and the wind was so horrible walking to school so i cursed the whole way
Tuesday: 75 degrees
Wednesday: Rained, understandable 60 degrees Today: 40 degrees Wtf? |
That's like every week in Utah. We like, skip spring and fall and go straight into blistering summer and fuckfrozen winter.
At least it doesn't rain much here, though. |
Just started snowing here, *sigh*.
It was like 75 two days ago, I had my windows open and was enjoying the breeze. |
Eh in Buffalo it's been crazy, monday was 60, wednesday was about 60, today it was about 25. And with the damn wind, it sucked.