Hey, I uploaded the latest executable zip for my game, Solar Apocalypse, and I got the "Installation failed" alert that you get when you're packaged game is corrupt.
Usually I can fix this by changing the name of the .zip to Bumblemore.SolarApocalypse but it didn't work this time. I was wondering if there was something I've missed, maybe somebody with regular experience in uploading game files can help me.
I've re tried it a few times so I don't think it's a one-time error.
I'll be about off and on, thanks for looking.
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When you're editing your hub, you can choose the "Choose File" button to quickly upload a file to your Member files and use that for members to download from. You can do this and hit "Save", but the automated process to create that download URL and populate it into the "Download URL" textbox is a touch broken at the moment. It includes "https", which BYOND currently chokes on.
So, you'll need to go into your Manage Account page, go to the Files tab, and find the newly-created entry. Copy the link that's available there (this is typically in http://files.byondhome.com/YOURKEY/YOURKEY.GAMENAME.zip format), and paste it into the Download URL textbox.
This is less than ideal, as one would really expect that the Choose File button would work for us without issue. Lummox JR plans to wrap around and fix that when he gets some spare moments to play with it.
For non-BYOND Members:
You'll need to choose a file hosting service that allows direct-download links that don't use HTTPS, since BYOND's downloads choke on it. This can prove to be a bit difficult, and the common ones (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.) don't play well with BYOND, even when you use HTTP instead of HTTPS in the direct-download links.