var/savefile/F = new("players/[src.ckey].sav")
for(var/stuff in src.V)
src.verbs += stuff
world<<"<font size=1><font color=red><B>Info: <font color=white>[src]([src.key]) has logged in..."
//src.loc = locate(xco,yco,zco)
(Players ||= new) += src // LOL this code o-o
//src.AutoSave() // this starts auto save for players when they hit load

var/savefile/F = new("players/[src.ckey].sav")
if(fexists(F)) fdel(F)
src.V = src.verbs

usr<< "Your game has been saved."

//store coordinates
//F ["saved_verbs"] << verbs
F ["saved_x"] << x
F ["saved_y"] << y
F ["saved_z"] << z
//store variables
var {saved_x; saved_y; saved_z}
//load coordinates
//F ["saved_verbs"] >> verbs
F ["saved_x"] >> x
F ["saved_y"] >> y
F ["saved_z"] >> z
//restore variables
//restore coordinates

set background = 1

runtime error: cannot open savefile buffer saved_x for write
proc name: Write (/mob/Write)
source file:,161
usr: (src)
src: the ddgh (/mob)
src.loc: (69,37,1) (/turf/grass/tiles/gs138)
call stack:
the ddgh (/mob): Write(players/kyubikitsune.sav (/savefile))
the ddgh (/mob): SaveK()
the ddgh (/mob): Savenow()

Problem description:
Receiving the runtime error and although it's not DM i figured it would help to separate it. I have a very basic save/load system and my knowledge on it is very limited. I've looked through the DM guide and can't find anything on this but I was experimenting so do ignore the stuff in // as it's probably very wrong lol. However, I'm not sure what the runtime error means, all i know is that it's related to "F ["saved_x"] << x" in the write section. Any help is appreciated, thank you!

Also worth mentioning that it creates two savs; one with my key and one without for some reason. I'm only intending to create one.

Okay so I did downgrade to version 514 and the error about the writing isn't an issue anymore however it's still making the .sav file when it shouldn't be and the autosave on logout isn't working so I'm assuming those are related.
You have spaces after your variable name in the savefile Read/Write procs. That needs to be fixed. Spaces are no good for variable names.
I appreciate the tip! I did get everything else working. Ig part of the Del() code outside the code shown above was deleting my mob before the actual mob deletion so there was no ckey to save. If anyone has any other tips on making this code better though I would appreciate it! :)
var list/players = new


set waitfor = FALSE
var mob/P
for(P in players)



Could do something like this to save some cpu, can also incorporate this pattern into many other things to get a decent speeds with lots of things happening/going on.

Your above method created a loop for each mob in the world using it. So 1,000 players would mean 1,000 active loops doing autosaving, while my above method allows for a single loop to handle every mob.
wouldn't it be easier and fasterto save when mob/Logout()? im pretty sure disconnects (caused by computer crashes, internet loss etc) trigger mob/Logout(), im pretty sure that would save when quitting, so something like

please correct me if i am wrong, im new to this forum thing

wouldn't it be easier and fasterto save when mob/Logout()

mob/Logout() shouldn't be considered the point at which a player disconnects though. It should be client/Del() where you notify the current mob that you have logged out. There may be cases that you want a player to not be saved, such as a temporary mob transfer.

Plus, there's the case of world/Del() to account for. Rebooting a world and deleting a world will only hang for a max of 30 seconds. If your world teardown takes longer than this, you will lose data on disconnect, so the naive mob/Logout() save character can actually wind up being catastrophic down the line.
wouldn't it be easier and fasterto save when mob/Logout()
mob/Logout() shouldn't be considered the point at which a player disconnects though. It should be client/Del() where you notify the current mob that you have logged out. There may be cases that you want a player to not be saved, such as a temporary mob transfer.

that actually makes a lot more sense considering mob/Logout() is the inverse of mob/Login() but client/Del() is the inverse of client/New(), that is actually what initializes a player, at least that`s how i understood it, thanks for the advice, anyways
In response to GuruBot
What are you doing outside of the Discord server? Get back into your hole.
In response to F0lak
F0lak wrote:
What are you doing outside of the Discord server? Get back into your hole.

Yes, daddy.