The map editor's properties pane now has an easy-access dialog for selecting files. This works for the icon var, and will also work for vars declared with "as sound", "as icon", or "as file". If null is also included in the as clause, the dialog will include a None option for a null file.
Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Resolved (515.1634)

This issue has been resolved.
Setting up instances is kind of a pain in the ass. I frequently find myself struggling to remember the exact path to a file and then having to abandon instance changes in order to check on a file path, or alt-tabbing over to an explorer window to investigate a file path. It'd be nice to have the expanded options button in the instance editor allow us to interact with the file browser while working on an instance. Maybe adding an option "Reference File..." that would open a browser and allow you to select a file you'd like to use as a variable. This would come in as a cache reference by default. This shouldn't just be limited to dmis though, as I often reference sounds, html, and json files via an edited instance.
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
The map editor's properties pane now has an easy-access dialog for selecting files. This works for the icon var, and will also work for vars declared with "as sound", "as icon", or "as file". If null is also included in the as clause, the dialog will include a None option for a null file.
this is resolved for build 1534, which is a 514 build, when i think it was suppose to be marked 1634, which is a 515 build.

anyways this cause this changelog to show up at the wrong spot in 515.html