Earlier today I've decided to make a new icon, using an existing one as a base. After going through its every state and finishing it, I then used that icon in a game to verify that it does work, but needs some editing. This is where my problems really started. Whenever I select any of the icon's states, go back, and try to select any state again, Dream Maker crashes.

Neither rebooting nor clearing Byond's cache helped. I'm having this problem with every icon that I have, including the ones that I was able to make and then edit dozens of times in older versions, 514 or early 515 beta at the latest.

Unlike the last time I asked for help, I'm at a loss for how to fix this.

Edit: Forgot to mention that downloading the VC++ runtimes did not help, either.

Edit: I think I've managed to locate the source of the problem to the maker.txt config file. I still don't know how exactly it caused the crash, but deleting it made things function again, at least for the time being.