It's getting down to the wire now for 515. I had kind of hoped to get it into stable this week by finishing up work on the installer, but yesterday ended up being a lost day thanks to some schedule interruptions. The specific issue I'm hoping to tackle with the installer is detecting if the runtimes are present. That should be working now, but it isn't. This is really all Microsoft's fault for making this so difficult.
But otherwise things are going really well, with a ton of new bug fixes starting the week off right, so I think that 515.1631 will be the new stable release if all goes well with the installer. Then although I'll continue with maintenance work, I can move forward closer to full speed on 516 and get things buttoned up for early test builds.
I'm still entertaining small features to fill out 516, but bigger ones like overhauling movement are definitely off the list. However with 516 expected to have a much, much shorter beta cycle, that shouldn't be so bad. Mostly I'll be keeping to the small stuff so WebView2 can be the star, but I'll still be looking at ways to improve speed in big games like SS13.
Thanks once again to all of you whose Memberships and other contributions keep all this going. I couldn't do this without you.
It turns out I still suck at frosting cakes, but considering it was only my second and the first was two years earlier, it could've been worse. There's nothing quite like enjoying a slice of Valentine's cake in the glow of the Christmas tree. Don't judge me. I'll have the tree and the cake dealt with before the Olympics roll around, and 515 will be out of beta well before the tree is down. Not sure I can say the same about the cake.
Feb 16 2024, 11:44 am