Certain events related to client initialization, like sending the client appearance (and therefore client verbs) did not trigger until client/New() ended. This has been changed so that now as soon as the default client/New() ends, that behavior is triggered even if more code has been added to a client/New() override after the default call.
BYOND Version:515.1630
Operating System:Windows 11 Home
Web Browser:Chrome
Applies to:Dream Daemon
Status: Resolved (515.1631)

This issue has been resolved.
ClientNewCallback() is currently called once client/New() finishes entirely, preventing the client from accessing client verbs until after client/New() finishes.
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
Certain events related to client initialization, like sending the client appearance (and therefore client verbs) did not trigger until client/New() ended. This has been changed so that now as soon as the default client/New() ends, that behavior is triggered even if more code has been added to a client/New() override after the default call.