Descriptive Problem Summary:
Since byond 1615 byond has stopped including the embedded vsc++ dlls, and the installer doesn't seem to install vsc++ redist
I've had players complain about the game not being able to start and even a server that failed to start over this.
The solution is installing but i understand that most software that requires this just has the installer make sure its installed.
Jan 18 2024, 12:00 pm
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Your current method doesn't seem to work, I'm not even seeing it trying to run Dream Seeker after the installer finishes.
I think every version of the redist packages create a unique registry entry when installed, you can probably check for those inside of the installer since you're only needing a specific version to fire. They're under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\[version]\VC\VCRedist |
I haven't been able to find another solution for detecting if the redistributables are installed. If you have any other ideas I'm happy to give them a try.