A lot of bug fixes have gone through this week, with the awaited 515.1624 and then a series of needed follow-ups. Some of the bigger changes in 1624 introduced some weird regressions, and the biggest problem was an issue with proc calls including underscores. Fortunately most of the issues were easy fixes, and now things are in a better place. In particular, the issue that caused the major server regression was related to an important fix for SS13 that speeds up server startup tremendously and saves a bunch of memory.
I have a new fix ready to go for SIDE_MAP, which already went through a few iterations of changes, and which I think is much better off than before. It's looking like 516 is going to see some more changes to SIDE_MAP and ISOMETRIC_MAP, but I think it's all for the good and will make these modes easier to work with. Until then however I'm still collecting bug fixes for 515.
But speaking of 516, the plan was to get back to that a bit this week and do some prep work for alpha releases, because I want some SS13 power users to get a first crack at WebView2 integration and be able to update their UIs accordingly. Not too many things need changing, but I did see at least one change in behavior in the pager from IE 11's bustedness to Chromium's modern somewhat-less-bustedness. Anyway I expect to get that stuff sorted out soon.
Thanks to all the BYOND Members and donors whose contributions make all this work possible. I'm grateful to all of you who choose to support this project.
Coming up: The tree is not coming down this week. Come on, it's only January. Besides, there's plenty of snow on the way. Mak gam and enjoy winter!
Jan 12 2024, 10:20 am