BYOND Version:515.1623
Operating System:Windows 11 Home 64-bit
Web Browser:Chrome
Applies to:Dream Seeker
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
Input controls using only a verb name as a command (when that verb is set up to receive one as text/as message/as command_text string as an argument) incorrectly parse an opening quotation + closing quotation + a space as the argument and throws a runtime if any text is included after the closing quotation + empty space.

To replicate, start the input with a quotation mark, type whatever you would like, type a closing quotation mark and leave an empty space after it, then type some more text. The input is being parsed as verb_name "text in quotes as one arg" text_out_of_quotes_as_second_arg.
Bump for whenever Lumm gets to it, and to make sure the workaround is also here:

Currently, to avoid this behavior, make sure your input control's command is set to verb_name "

The space and opening quotation mark after the verb name will stop this from happening.