Applies to:Dream Seeker
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
The Problem
Presently, when using a movement state for an icon animation, stopping the movement abruptly ends the animation. This can lead to some awkward situations, where the appearance of an atom changes suddenly from the frame it was currently in, back to its idle state.

The Solution
I would extend the capabilities of flick() by adding two optional parameters. The new version would be as followed:

flick(Icon, Object, Start_Frame, End_Frame)

The Start_Frame would be an optional parameter that -- as the name implies -- specifies what frame to start with in a particular icon or icon_state. If the Start_Frame value exceeds the total # of frames in any particular animation state, it automatically uses the last frame.

End_Frame would be the opposite, and it would show which frame the flick() should end in. If the user specifies an End_Frame value that is lower than the current frame that an image is using, the animation loops until reaching the End_Frame's value.