The new year is upon us, and development resumes.
I jumped out of the gate strong with the promised rework to the old client view code that was so messed up, and had to pivot even fairly late in the process due to making a big mistake—to say the var names were bad before is an understatement, and the new names I chose or some beliefs I had about the vars were somewhat wrong—but surprisingly I got it to come together.
Since then I've been focused mainly on some smaller fixes and very very minor features, but mostly the fixes. A couple of items are on my docket pending test cases, and there might be time to sneak those fixes into the next release. I plan to get 515.1624 out early next week. I was leaning toward trying to push a release yesterday, but enough small investigations cropped up that it was worth delaying a bit.
Next week once the bug fixes are settled, I plan to pivot back onto 516 work and get some prelims buttoned up in hopes of getting out WebView2 test builds sooner rather than later.
Many thanks to all the BYOND Members and donors on various platforms who keep the lights on and make it possible to keep this work going. I'm grateful for all your support.
Now it's time to find the balance between eating sensibly again and slowly whittling down a collection of sweets that accumulated over the holidays. I'm hoping this involves getting a lot more cheese back into my diet, because it's hard to go wrong with good cheese. Get your chicken wings and pretzels ready, and mak gam! I'll be back with more next week.
Jan 5 2024, 12:26 pm