hello guys! We are about to release our christmas wipe! and with new wipes we also bring : changelogsz
theme wise I am still focusing on bugfixes, balances and content, keep your eyes to the devlog soon as I will explain how the christmas season will work this year! Hope to see you all ingame and please help us inviting your friends as we depend 100% on player to player invitations now, if you enjoy this project, help us share the word!
⊖ New Ability: Stance Change (activated onshow (like show speed) will transform the pokemon into something else and if its in battle spends an AP (stats, mods etc, unlike the skill transform)
⊖ Fixed bugs related to shiny pokemon not affecting evolution tree
⊖ Fixed a bug with some shiny evolutions
⊖ Added an extra confirmation check when investing items on project
⊖ Forgetea is now craftable as alchemy (first learns at gyms autoproject)
⊖ Pressing Q in battles that doesnt have an active turn will remove you from the battle (This is a shield attempt to fix a critical battle bug that could delete pokemons)
⊖ Clicking the badges in your trainer card can now let you delete it (it prompts on the chat as you do, usefull for mistakes situation with badges)
⊖ Fixed an abuseable bug where people could abandon multiple pokemon in the same tile
⊖ Fixed a bug with show trainer cards (on chat) with over 8 badges
⊖ Fixed an abuseable bug where people could raise appeal of eggs
⊖ Fixed a bug where using your phone while watching live a battle could break you
⊖ Fixed a bug where elites could progress in fame and reach champion just by doing street battle
⊖ Fixed a bug where pokemon could relearn and stack abilities
⊖ Abandoning a pokemon gives you Wild friendship (usefull for rangers, now they can insta WC a new pokemon they hatch this way)
⊖ Now Ace Trainer perk also boost cp earned from street battles
⊖ Removed ace and bf duality (Now you can be both)
⊖ Fixed an abuseable bug with ace trainer move learning
⊖ Debuffed League Star, the bonus now caps at 8 badges, max bonus goes only a little over a power perk instead of the usual double
⊖ New evo items -Malicious Armor, Leaderscrest
⊖ Fixed a bug where evo items could bypass minimal level req
⊖ Added new move Bitter Blade
⊖ Added new move Brutal Swing
⊖ Added new move Rock Smash
⊖ Review on projects costs (reducing them again)
⊖ Added New Pokemon: Klefki
⊖ Added New Pokemon: Tinkatink
⊖ Added New Pokemon: Tinkatuff
⊖ Added New Pokemon: Tinkaton
⊖ Added New Pokemon: Lopunny
⊖ Added New Pokemon: Bunneary
⊖ Added New Pokemon: Shroomish
⊖ Added New Pokemon: Breloom
⊖ Added New Pokemon: Skorupi
⊖ Added New Pokemon: Drapion
⊖ Added New Pokemon: Salandit
⊖ Added New Pokemon: Salazzle
⊖ Added New Pokemon: Charcadet
⊖ Added New Pokemon: Ceruledge
⊖ Added New Pokemon: Pawniard
⊖ Added New Pokemon: Bisharp
⊖ Added New Pokemon: Kingambit
⊖ Added New Pokemon: Rockruff
⊖ Added New Pokemon: Lycanroc
⊖ Added New Pokemon: LycanrocM
⊖ Added New Pokemon: LycanrocD
⊖ Added New Pokemon: Drifblim
⊖ Added New Pokemon: Drifloon
⊖ Added New Pokemon: JangmoO
⊖ Added New Pokemon: HakamoO
⊖ Added New Pokemon: KommoO
⊖ Added New Pokemon: Starly
⊖ Added New Pokemon: Staravia
⊖ Added New Pokemon: Staraptor
⊖ Added New Pokemon: Honedge
⊖ Added New Pokemon: Doublade
⊖ Added New Pokemon: Aegislash
⊖ Added New Pokemon: Aegislash(Shield)
⊖ Added New Pokemon: Nosepass
⊖ Added New Pokemon: Beta Probopass (evolve if nosepass learns Ancient Power)
⊖ Added New Pokemon: Probopass
⊖ Added New Pokemon: Snover
⊖ Added New Pokemon: Abomasnow
-Adding our first regional variants: (Unlike the special pikachus, those arent stronger then the base form and are not considered shiny)
⊖ Wisteria Bulbasaur line (Fairy Posion)
⊖ Wisteria Charmander line (Dragon Rock)
⊖ Wisteria Squirtle line (Dark Fighting)