world << "[usr.key] Floats up and begins flying in the air. [src]"
icon_state = "fly"
density = 0
world << " landing..."
i keep getting a procedure defination not allowed in another procedure error and i changed it in like 300 ways going from 6 to 1 errors until i finally came here.
Please tell me where im fuckin up or a page to study to help me cause.
cause i looked through return procedure pages even tried /factorial(n as num)
if(N<=0)return 1, or plus one then indentation return. (N-1)*N even tried changing the numerical n to A F for fly as number for density i got the fly to work.
but when i land back on the ground im then able to walk through dense Obj's PLEASE HELP thank you.
i'll figure it out myself been reading through all the guides anyway because i really wanna figure out how to make my own shi.
so you can post if u want but i'll find it eventually on my own just a headache when it takes 2 days to learn one error. but i am grateful im atleast trying to learn it before asking otherwise i wouldn't really be learning. |
Use Developer help next time.
mob This is the proper code. Join the discord, my friend. I will show you the way. |
i can join the disc and also thank you for that but that is how i had it in my code even had control t on in my dream maker to keep track of my indentions.
the verb for fly worked when i coded it. But i needed to figure out a return procedure or proc becuase when i deactivate it. and am walking again i can then walk over the water and yes all my waters in the custom map i've made through the dm code are Set to Density 1 but somehow the density of 0 remains after i've flown then not flyin. |
mob |
i'll post if i figure it out on my own.