So, I have really nothing extravagant to post about. If your reading this your totally awesome. The only thing I can really think that's aggravated me today, is people who can not drive. I get road rage because of ignorant people who do things like, go around you speed up go past you and then get in front of you only to slow down. I'm like (enter not so nice choice words here)!!

Other than that, everything seems to be going fine. I have been trying to concentrate a little more on getting these icons done. I suck some times at not multitasking. I always want to do more than one thing at a time. I will get them done, even if I have a to set a day and be like look woman do it like yesterday. Ok enough of that.

On another note, I bought myself a new Digital Camera. I love to take pictures no matter what it is of. I was curious tonight and wanted to see how it would be to take a picture outside in the dead of night. So Here are a few pictures I was amazed to come out the way that they did. It was also raining too, which also makes it neat. It's a Kodak Easy Share 7.1 mega pixels.

Last note for the night, Tyzua is being updated again very soon. I am so happy everything with it is going fairly well. It's nice to be apart of something that you actually feel apart of. Ok enough of my weirdness. xP Good Night.

What I do when I see someone about to speed up and try to pass me is to start speeding up a little faster than them. But you do not want to go to fast and get caught.
That's true and some people are ignorant enough to even swerve at you, and then you swerve and it's all OMGWTF... I can see speeding a little but driving like a total nut case and being wreckless...Those people make me angry >.<
What drives me insane is when you're trying to cross the street, and you aren't at a crossway. There is one car that you have to wait on to pass before you can cross, and it seems as though the driver is purposely slowing down to make you wait longer. Then by the time Mr. 40 in a 80 zone goes by, there's cars everywhere.

This is what happened to me today, I'm coming back for checking out prices on Work boots, and I look up the street, the lights are red, which means that I can cross. I look the other way and one car is coming. Instead of just running in front of him(which I should have done, I could have walked across the street 3 times by the time this idiot drove past). I decided to wait. He should have flew by me, but instead, I'm standing there like an idiot, and he seems to be going slower. Finally by the time he passes(I could have probably ran faster than he was driving), I look the other way, and the lights green and 50 cars are coming.

Heh, that was a long story. Sorry.
I'm cool 8D

That's the only part I read >_>
BigBoiD wrote:
I'm cool 8D

That's the only part I read >_>

NoNo, your not Cool....I said you where awesome..but you could of read the rest LOL
Mikau, that's totally crazy x_x. I hate when people do that too. I use to live in a big city with intersections like that, some times I'm glad I don't any more.