I've developed a system so that Exploder can effectively use a type of Elo Ranking, making a List of World Ranking for the game.
I'm going to set up a group called the EWRC, Exploder World Ranking Committee. At the moment it will only contain myself for now and increase as demand needs it. Any members of the EWRC count as being a "Moderator" for Game Rankings, and act as a required observer of games that effect Ranking.
Ranked Games will be limited to Tournaments, or pre-setup games between players in which both players agree on the same game setup for x amount of games (which will then determine how much their Elo rating will change). Any unranked player will automatically get a set rating of 1500.
To start up the World Ranking, I'll be holding a Tournament which will help build up a ranked player base and determine the first "Exploder Champion". This will be played on Friday 6th, as soon as there is players that wish to start.
The Tournament will be played with the following setup:
Knock-out Type Tournament, players will be randomly drawn out to decide who they play.
Each Round will involve 3 games for each, whoever wins 2 goes through to the next round (if someone wins 2 games, then its up to the players to decide whether they take up a 3rd, if they don't, it will count as a draw for both players)
It will be played on the Classic layout, with Conquest Objective
The coin flip to decide who goes first will be set on
Each game will require my presence in order to record the data on who wins. Preferably the tournament will be finished on the same night, but if for any reason people are unable to play, the remainder of the Tournament can be played as the remaining players are available.
This is peoples chance to become Exploder Champion of the world!
To take part, you MUST post before Friday 6th, on either the forum topic or the blog post.
![]() Mar 31 2007, 4:11 pm
Oh and I will be playing of course :p
Good good :p Lets hope we at least have enough players for some semi or even quarter finals :p
My unofficial score is 1 loss (playing without knowing the game) and 6 wins. Wohoo.