Expected Results: For objects of the specified type, within the selected area, to all be deleted.
Actual Results: An output indicating a successful deletion is output, but nothing is actually changed.
- Select an area.
- Right-click an Active Object and select Find on Map.
- Attempt to delete any objects by leaving the second input bar blank.
- Observe no change.
This is what my prompt looked like: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/725458744711839873/ 1161587434052665345/image.png?ex=65548719&is=65421219&hm=c28 b85824e915ed1963487162a4662ea19c87b0a086eaf216f2b19c0b60c050 8&=
It was also pointed out that this was previously reported and was thought to be fixed (id:2883807).