I have been having issues regarding Dream Daemon's server launching.

For 2 weeks now I have been trying to local host an SS13 server to play on with my friends it worked before but now it just closes itself whenever I try to launch said server.

I tried to reinstall BYOND.
Even got more memory storage for my PC.
Installed BYOND with anti-virus disabled.
And ran dream daemon and BYOND as an administrator.

Anyone got any ideas on how to fix this?
Thanks in advance.

After resetting my PC and having it work again I realized that after a couple windows updates dream daemon broke again. Other than not updating as long as possible I know no solutions to this problem.
This was a problem on version 515.1617, you're going to want to downgrade to 515.1614 if you're using that version.
In response to General Do-Nothing
I tried multiple versions before and just re-tried vesion 515.1614 still no progress on my end
If BYOND is closing on you, check the Windows event viewer for any crash details to see if something shows up there.
In response to Lummox JR
The issue is that it simply just closes, no crash warning/error message. I looked into the windows event viewer and there were no reports of any crashes. I feel like I have done everything
I have been suspecting there might be an issue with programs or applications conflicting with Dream Daemon or storage not being properly given to it. I am really out of ideas at this point and I just want to fix this.
Can you go step by step through the process you follow?
Step by step process:

Log in.
Open Dream Daemon.
Insert the server files into the input box.
Server is set to private visibility and uses a port I gave it.
I press the START button.

This results in dream daemon "crashing" like it does regularly when booting up a server however it ends closing itself instead of actually opening Dream Seeker
Update: I have just tried this on a VM that had nothing downloaded other than BYOND and the server files. I am honestly just going to give up soon
I have had my PC reset entirely and it now works, I do not know any solution other than resetting your PC.
Sometimes programs behave wonky when the OS is up too long, and a reboot is all that works.
Unforunately for me it has not prevented it from breaking again I honestly just am waiting for an update to magically fix it at some point.
Is the crash producing any logs in the Windows event viewer? That could be informative.
I've tried before looking into crash reports but there were none generated.
I would suggest running dd.exe instead, and using the -console option so it produces console output. Make sure you do this from a command line window so it stays open if DD closes. That should get you details if there's a crash.