I was thinking my new computer would probably be here by the end of the week, but apparently I misread and it's actually just in production, so shipping hasn't even happened yet. So it'll be a bit, but that's okay because I'm still buttoning up 515 and making some last-minute changes. I'm hoping I can make 515 the new stable build before the switch, although it's gonna bring in a slew of bug reports from people who never bothered with the beta. And those bug reports are gonna be missing all sorts of information, have no test cases or reproducible data, and generally be a pain in the butt. So maybe I don't want to tempt fate on those until after I spin up...
A new release went out yesterday, although the new warning for ..() without a supercall appears to have some issues that stem from forward references. This isn't necessarily a problem yet since it's just a warning. Part of the goal of this work, though, was to facilitate a compiler change I'd planned for 516 that I now think can be done in 515 at runtime. I'm gonna have to work out a way to properly test that new behavior in a huge project like SS13 before I include that, though. But in the meantime, the new warning is a little bit broken and I'm gonna have to look into that once I have bug reports with some test cases.
I'd kind of like to prepare some of my 516 ideas with some pseudocode to get a head start, so I'm ready to jump into them fully once the WebView2 stuff is completed. Overall I think 516 is going to be a much shorter beta, though, very unlike the sprawling betas that have preceded it, so even though I plan to cram in what I can for features, I don't plan to do any huge overhauls apart from the browser.
Again I want to thank everyone whose contributions have kept the lights on. The fall months are often pretty lean, but I'm grateful to all of our supporters who step up to help. I'm kind of thinking it might be high time to bump up Membership prices a little, though, since they've been stagnant a very long time now and the value of the dollar hasn't.
Spooky season is coming, so get your costumes ready, and more importantly get your horror games ready! I haven't bought a bag of Take 5 yet.
Oct 13 2023, 7:43 am