Helloooo I've only managed to find a couple of posts about the usage of macros when it comes to lists and they all say no but the posts themselves are VERY old so I'm just wondering if it's still not possible to use macros in-game to bypass a list for instance:

If I had a verb called "Talk" and when you clicked talk it brought up an input list with "OOC" and "Say" in it - can I create a macro for talk that selects OOC or Say?

Like in the picture:
If I click C on my keyboard it runs the command
'Talk "OOC"'

That way I don't have to select OOC or Say in the list, the macro does it for me. Let me know, thank you!! =D

If you have the input as an argument to the verb, then yes. If the input is inside of the verb's code, then no.

mob/verb/Thing(thing as anything in list("One","Two"))
usr << thing

And your macro would look like "Thing One" or "Thing Two" and using "Thing" alone would pop the input up.
No sorry I mean in-game - this isn't for my game, just games that I play... I really disliked hitting popup lists while im moving around loool
If the developer of the game didn't program the verbs that way, then no. Macros are only able to execute commands as if you had entered them into the command-line. Things that happen inside of the verb are unknown to the client, unlike the arguments the verb takes.