Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
"new sight flags to image render regardless of mobs vision qualification("

since this is denied, I post this with tweaking the base idea.

still, there should be a way that a mob can see something regardless of their sight flags.

new type "/blackmatter"
its parent_type is "/atom/movable"

every mob is considered to have 'SEE_BLMATTER' at their sight flag which means they can always see blackmatter types.

Case A:
* You can't see things behind a wall
* the game has "/blackmatter/silhouette"
* a mob behind the wall has "/blackmatter/silhouette"
* Even if loc is hidden, you can see their silhouette

Case B:
* there's a turf that you can't see
* the turf has "/blackmatter/luminosity"
* You can see luminosity effects from the location even if the turf is not visible.

This is just SEE_INFRA with extra steps. And SEE_INFRA doesn't even work.
for infra, there are see_in_dark, infra_luminosity variables that are range check while blackmatter has not such. I think it's simpler to use?