It's been a relatively quiet week, although I've spent a depressing amount of it wrestling with more Microsoft inanity. How feasible even is the dark mode idea? I really don't know. I'll keep on it.
Actually though I've been mainly doing two things: Looking into bug reports (some of them very old ones, especially while clearing out old tabs), and prepping for the switch to a new system. The latter has involved not only making sure I've saved a lot of settings that might not be easy to import, and copying down Windows settings I know I'll need to change, but also things like figuring out what I want to do for hardware.
The Indiegogo campaign is still up, although the generosity shown by so many users last week was amazing beyond my expectations. I don't plan on buying the new machine until either after the campaign ends or near the end, but there hasn't been a lot of movement on that this week for obvious reasons.
Day-to-day the available options for my machine seem to keep changing. As of just recently I can no longer have it ship with even an external optical drive, so I'd have to buy that on Amazon or something: which kind of annoys me. But I'm thinking of going with a different GPU than I originally planned, and instead of a Ryzen 5 5600X I might go with a 7600X instead.
Still as much as I'm looking forward to the new system, the work of getting it set up is not going to be fun. And once it's up and running, I really want to button up 515 and get moving fast on WebView2 development. This fall is going to be super busy, but I'm hoping for good things.
One of the other major elements in my long-term planning is wanting to move beyond DirectX 9, getting rid of the fixed-function pipeline stuff. This requires making a lot of changes to the renderer and how it structures everything, and is a problem I need to revisit. It gets crazy complicated, crazy fast.
Thanks to all of you who've not only supported the campaign but who continue to support BYOND on the regular through Memberships and our various donation platforms. This is only possible because of you.
The Fair is here, and I ended up going on opening day to see what's up. (Not the number of vendors, that's for sure; but I did find a place selling Powkiddy RGB20s clones for double the price, so there's that.) I expect to be back in a few times before it's over. Next weekend of course is Labor Day weekend, where fall begins in earnest. Cider and donut season is nearly upon us, waiting to spring from behind the curtain like that clown you're trying not to think about.
Aug 25 2023, 10:54 am
Here is a video tutorial on how to set it up for your BYOND project(s).