
Poll: Do you think this song's lyrics suck?

Yes 40% (6)
No 26% (4)
Polatrite, stfu 33% (5)

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Everybody has to know this song by now. Hinder’s Lips of an Angel.

I have a real problem with this song.

The whole conceptual base of the song is complete crap. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind the instrumentals of the song, pretty well laid out.

It’s just too bad the lyrics and emotion of the song are completely wrong. Like hi, ex-girlfriend. I still love you, let’s talk on the phone and dream about each other. It’s songs like this that really show how “of the moment” people are. Let’s not remember the reason we broke up or any of that crap, and furthermore, if we get back together because of this, we’ll always suspect each other of cheating because we already know we will do it based on our little love affair noted in the song. Sounds smart to me.

Society ftl.
Yeah, I don't put much stock into lyrics in general, but the premise of this song is pretty crappy...

What bothers me more about it, though, is that less than a month after it became popular (read: overplayed), there was already a country cover version...
Actually SSGX I think Hinder covered the country song... but I'm not completely positive.

And the majority of the songs by Hinder have horrible concepts, but they are catchy and fit the tone they are meant to fit. They're very similar to Three Days Grace.
The Naked Ninja wrote:
Actually SSGX I think Hinder covered the country song... but I'm not completely positive.

And the majority of the songs by Hinder have horrible concepts, but they are catchy and fit the tone they are meant to fit. They're very similar to Three Days Grace.

Yeah, Hinder is the cover. Country stations were smart enough not to play it because it blows, but now that Hinder is popular, it is played as well.
I like the song because I usually don't care what the lyrics of a song are as long as it sounds good.

I do think its lyrics are stupid, though :P I just don't care that they are.
Um, the lyrics are not stupid at all...

You want to know stupid lyrics? Try those stupid emo bands that everybody likes, where all of their voices/instruments sound exactly the same in every song and every emo band. They dress like freaks and talk like them. They wear tight pants and look friggin disgusting. All of their lyrics are the same but just said in different ways. They just cry about things they are too stupid to fix like being losers in school. The only reason they were probably made fun of in school is because they probably walk around wearing jeans tighter than cheerleaders and eye linear while walking in the hallway with their head down really fast all weird and crap. Yeah, that's who I have a problem with.
Cavern wrote:
Um, the lyrics are not stupid at all...

Give us some proof that the lyrics are not stupid.
Cavern wrote:
Um, the lyrics are not stupid at all...

You want to know stupid lyrics? Try those stupid emo bands that everybody likes, where all of their voices/instruments sound exactly the same in every song and every emo band. They dress like freaks and talk like them. They wear tight pants and look friggin disgusting. All of their lyrics are the same but just said in different ways. They just cry about things they are too stupid to fix like being losers in school. The only reason they were probably made fun of in school is because they probably walk around wearing jeans tighter than cheerleaders and eye linear while walking in the hallway with their head down really fast all weird and crap. Yeah, that's who I have a problem with.

I've never heard of such a band. Probably because they suck.
they are every non-ghetto chick's favorite artist though.
No, I'm pretty sure the country version is the cover... This type of song just isn't "country" on its own...

Plus, Wikipedia, that ultimate source of knowledge and truth, says that the country version is the cover (on both the "Lips of an Angel" page, and on the page for the country dude that made the cover)...
Cavern wrote:
Um, the lyrics are not stupid at all...

You want to know stupid lyrics? Try those stupid emo bands that everybody likes, where all of their voices/instruments sound exactly the same in every song and every emo band. They dress like freaks and talk like them. They wear tight pants and look friggin disgusting. All of their lyrics are the same but just said in different ways. They just cry about things they are too stupid to fix like being losers in school. The only reason they were probably made fun of in school is because they probably walk around wearing jeans tighter than cheerleaders and eye linear while walking in the hallway with their head down really fast all weird and crap. Yeah, that's who I have a problem with.

I never said emo crap was any good either.

But this Hinder song blows.

You still haven't offered a remotely convincing argument why the song DOESN'T suck, you just went off on your own mini-rant about emo.
SuperSaiyanGokuX wrote:
No, I'm pretty sure the country version is the cover... This type of song just isn't "country" on its own...

Plus, Wikipedia, that ultimate source of knowledge and truth, says that the country version is the cover (on both the "Lips of an Angel" page, and on the page for the country dude that made the cover)...

I'll tell my country music expert to get their facts straight then, thanks.
Be sure to also tell them that Hinder apparently recorded that song back in '05, released the album in '06, and the country guy's album was *just* released this month...
I agree with Polatrite. The fact that it's become "popular" (If you can even call it that) is fact that society as we know it is falling into a deep dark black hole called 'Armageddon'. I do believe that this is the beginning stages, seeing as how people can actually like the fact that it's talking about cheating on someone you're supposed to love.

Why even sing about it? Do they really want to make their significant other's THAT embarassed and sad to where it'd be played over the radio day after day, and every time they heard that song it would remind them of how much of a bitch their ex's were for releasing this song into the entire public.

It makes me sick.

[Edit: Polatrite, from the bottom of my heart -- THANK YOU FOR THIS POST. I love you <3]
And it still beats modern rap...
Why even sing about it? Do they really want to make their significant other's THAT embarassed and sad to where it'd be played over the radio day after day, and every time they heard that song it would remind them of how much of a bitch their ex's were for releasing this song into the entire public.

Chances are, the song is not written from an actual personal experience... Song writers often make up stuff for the sake of writing a song... Look at any singer/songwriter that has a large body of work dealing with love and relationships and such, and you'll notice that they cover more topics and scenarios than any one person could ever really experience firsthand... For example, look at Mariah Carey (my wife is a huge fan, so I'm unfortunately very familiar with much of her work) She writes her own material (for the most part), yet has a million songs about some relationship or another... Cheating guys, abusive guys, guys that dumped her but she knows they'll come back, guys she thinks she'll be together with forever, etc... The girl has not had that many deep relationships (not that I know every sordid detail of her personal life... I'm just saying that it's not realistic to think that she could have had the sheer number of different experiences she has sung about) So, she must have made much of it up...

So my guess is that the guy(s) behind that song aren't singing about an actual real-life relationship that they've had, they're just "pretending"... They came up with the concept of a guy who is still in love with his old girlfriend, and is tempted by her when he finds himself in the same house with her and his current woman... It's not really even that imaginative, actually...
The Naked Ninja wrote:
And it still beats modern rap...

You say that like it's difficult.
There is a string of song's with really horrible concepts. Hinder, Murderer, etc. A bunch of whiney, self indulgent garbage.

Give me Battery or Unforgiven, please.
I will admit that I like it. I just find it nice to listen to, and decent to sing along with.

That said, I don't argue with any of you. The song is crap, and the lyrics suck.
Yeah, the song is complete crap. I despise it, really. The unfortunate thing is that I've known at least two females who feel this exact way, and it's really... disturbing. I'll leave it at that. I would feel much more secure with people if this hadn't have come out - but hey, has to come out sometime right?