Bleach Eternity

by Falacy
Bleach Eternity
MMORPG Styled Game, Loosely Based on Bleach.
Theres a working server, But when ever I try to reconnect it says im already on a diffrent server.
thats why server crashed
In response to Lord Augusto
Didn't quite get it, And it has been over an hour. Heck Its been over 8 HOURS
In response to Javarock
The server crashed and since Falacy is on vacation there is no one to put it back on.
In response to Orbit Fury
That doesn't exlain it.. A server is up. And yes I know that server crashed, I was on it when it did. Now I cannot log on anymore it says im still on that server. But I am not.
In response to Javarock
omfg just wait a little if u got all time to write u can got all the time to wait ¬¬
In response to Killer Kwijibo
i cant join it D:
In response to Killer Kwijibo
Killer Kwijibo wrote:
omfg just wait a little if u got all time to write u can got all the time to wait ¬¬

Did you just tell me to wait?, And wait for what pray I ask wait for the server to accept the fact im not on a diffrent server?, Oh wait an hour you say?, Oh that didn't work. Wait another hour?, Oh that didn't work either. Wait a week you say?, Oh I just tryed that can you guess the results?
In response to Javarock
What you don't understand is Falacy is not here and he's the only one with the host files, so you gotta wait for him to return from "vacation" like the rest of us
In response to Tmx85
Meh i saw falacy online yesterday he just doesnt feel like doing anything >o
In response to Timme557711
Well, he's still probably on vacation then. XD
In response to Tmx85
Why can't you under stand that that wasn't the issue, The issue was and still is once the server is back up that I can't log in. It has nothing to do with the server not being up. IT does deal with me not being able to join the game even when there is a server due to some glitch.
In response to Javarock
Or the server wasn't actually up and it only appeared to be up. This has happened plenty of times with the servers in HU, so it's more than likely it happened here. Anyways, as said before, Falacy is taking time away from this so just wait for him to come back.
In response to Tmx85
It was up, I saw people both leave and join. I just can't join the actual game, I can join the server but it Disconnects me saying im on a diffrent one
In response to Javarock
nub i just waited a hour and i getted my acc back so stop making annonying
Thanks, Dunno What you did but now I can play again :D
Why can't i play BE? It says that i have been detected playing at another BE Server which i never. how to solve this problem?
In response to IAmFriendly
Its cause you touch yourself at night
In response to Falacy
I can log in. Btw my side here is morning.
In response to IAmFriendly
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